東京理科大学先進工学研究科 機能デザイン工学専攻(修士課程・博士課程)は2025年度入学の学生を募集します。
Tokyo University of Science, Graduate School of Advanced Engineering, Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design (Master’s and Doctoral Programs) is recruiting students to enroll in AY2025.
<修士課程>Master’s Course
〇一般入試 例年6月下旬~7月上旬出願、7月下旬~8月上旬入学試験
第一次選考 例年9月上旬出願
第二次選考 (第一次選考合格者) 例年11月下旬出願
第二次選考 例年翌1月上旬
〇Application Eligibility for Graduate School Master’s Course Applicants
First selection: Apply in early September every year
Second election (those who passed the first screening) : Usually apply in late November
Second selection: Usually early January of the following year
<博士課程>Doctoral Course
〇一般入試 例年1月中旬出願、2月下旬入学試験
〇Application Eligibility for Graduate School Doctoral Course Applicants
Please contact to a potential advisor for the application.
(機能デザイン工学専攻は現在設置申請中のため、このページの内容は委細変更の可能性があります。As the Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design is currently applying for establishment, the contents of this page may be subject to change.)